Lead magnet which provides the perfect “remember me” option by a customised, catchy wallpaper background

A great way to get your name out there and build up a client base is by giving away something that can be used on their devices. Something like this wallpaper will serve as a constant reminder that they can always contact you if they need something done.

And now you have the option to provide for various devices like mobile phones, tablets, desktops, and laptops. Now they can use it as a Zoom meeting background.

One great way for visual marketing for your brand to do this would be by giving away some of your work as desktop wallpaper downloads & build your email list!

By offering free wallpapers or other images from the internet, you’re able to put together an attractive lead magnet that has a value attached. It doesn’t cost anything more than time and effort on your part when you create it yourself!

Wallpaper as a lead magnet is an easy way for visual marketing brands like yourself to build the email list by giving away some of your creative work as desktop wallpapers downloads & build their email list!

The desktop and laptop wallpaper is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation with your prospect.

I hope this post has given you many ideas to design wallpapers as your lead magnet idea!

Make sure you create some creative wallpaper designs. It will wow them while still providing direct information about their expectations from your brand!

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