We all are busy in our daily life. We do not get a chance to pause and think about those who have been the part of our life so far. And here we are talking about the journey of 10 years old baby named – Animon Live. We realised that nothing can be better than December month and Christmas as an event to celebrate by saying thanks to all those in this growth.
For children, Santa is someone to whom they expect to fulfil their wishes, for us our customers and partners are our Santa. To continue with this feeling and acknowledgement – we are marking our previous and existing customers along with our partners to be a part of it.
We are identifying all our Santas and will thank them to give us an opportunity to get associated. We will be sharing with our visitors about their business, what value they are providing to their customers/clients on our website, FaceBook page, Twitter and other social media platforms.
If you really want to know who all those Santas are, do not forget to bookmark our social media links or drop your email address to keep a watch on them. Following are all of our social media handles to choose the one which you use most of the time.