Have a look at the 3 major insights to be considered and implemented on your website for the overall improvement of your website’s SEO:
- Mobile: Mobile is more powerful than ever, simple as there are way more searches on mobile than desktop searches. You should build your website for mobile first and desktop later. High time to change the standards. Have a look at this article for more information on google’s mobile first index: The New Google Mobile-First Index

Build your website with mobile first approach
- Video: Videos are more engaging than text or images and leaving videos out of your marketing strategy – whether Business to Business or Business to Consumer, you will fall behind. Have a look at the below given video for more information on why should you include videos in your content:
- Social Media Monitoring: Social media listening or monitoring has become a primary form of business intelligence, used to identify, predict, and respond to consumer behavior. Listening to what your customers, competitors, critics, and supporters are saying about you is key to getting great results from your social media campaigns.

Social Media Monitoring