SEO is an oft-heard term now with regard to content and marketing. Search engine optimization – SEO, is the tool that allows ‘visitors’ to ‘search and find’ you via the popular search engines such as Google. These search engines pick out the most relevant options and sites and present them to those searching – the number of such people could be millions. What this means is that if your online presence is not optimized for being ‘found’, your company would be missing innumerable avenues for revenue through potential customers. Through the SEO strategy, your company can increase the chances of its website being ‘found’, which in turn increases the possibility of the website and related sites, being viewed. SEO works like public relations in the online world.

While gaining visibility for your company’s website is essential, what is also equally crucial is to ensure high conversion rates. Optimizing conversion rates should be one of the key features of your company’s SEO strategy in order for it to be successful. This involves a thorough analysis of the pages of the website, especially pages such as the landing page and pages where the sites provide the instructions to buy or sign up. All that is on these pages – the content, design, and the overall experience users get while navigating, would work towards higher lead conversion.

Just some steps:

  • Your company may know that some keywords and search words work when people are ‘looking’ for certain products and services. However, it is highly probable that people may also be using words and phrases that your company may not foresee or expect. It is extremely critical to research and investigates keywords and phrases in order to gain a better understanding of how people are searching for what they want and also anticipate the words they may use in the future.
  • Post a thorough understanding of what people are searching for ensure that when they ‘find you’ they are ‘treated’ to high quality – interesting, useful, and engaging content. High quality content will be easy to read and will never be overwhelming – that is it would be free from jargon and yet be compelling enough for ‘visitors’ to stay long enough to read it and be inspired enough to share it. This kind of content is most definitely ‘rewarded’ with high rankings and top spots in SERP (search engine results page) by search engines. Great content not only makes it easier to be found, but also enhances the company’s grip on social media, and is extremely proficient to communicate what the company and its brand stand for and can help customers in the world of business.Given that a company’s online presence could span many channels, it is critical that the message through content, across all these channels is consistent and uniform. Not only will this boost search capability, it would also instil trust and confidence in readers, which in turn would serve to increase interest and conversions.
  • Enhance the accessibility of your website by linking it to other social sites and definitely with Google+. Through this ‘linking’, your company becomes a lot more accessible and easily found – from one or another channel. It also becomes easier for readers to share the content about your company and information on the ‘sites’, with others. This increases visibility and reach, making your company’s sites preferred by search engines.

While having a robust SEO strategy is quintessential to success, it is by no means easy – requires consistent effort and time. It would be prudent to track regularly whether your SEO strategy is paying off and gaining the benefits your company hoped to achieve. It is important to monitor the ‘footfalls’ on your website and track the number of leads and conversions through those visits. If the number is increasing with time, you know that you have a successful SEO strategy.

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